Sunday, January 8, 2023

Chicago Film Club Meetup Group: Are you open to watching and discussing silent films?

This post is specifically targeted to the Chicago Film Club Meetup Group.

Over the years, we've discussed dozens of classic films from the 1930s, 40s, 50s, 60s, and even the70s, but we've never discussed any silent films.

Several classic silent films are available on YouTube, including works by Harold Lloyd, Buster Keaton, and Janet Gaynor.

Several of you have contacted me to say that their Meetup emails to me were bounced back.

I created this post so you may respond via the comments section below.

1. Are you interested in discussing silent films at all?

2. Are there any particular silent films you would like to discuss?

3. Any other comments?


  1. I've enjoyed many of the discussions of movies and would look forward to those on silent films too

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Any silent with Ronald Colman in it. Several on youtube. He was in a great silent, Lady Windermere’s Fan, directed by Ernst Lubitsch

  4. Yes. Charlie Chaplin's "Modern Times" is one of my favorites.

  5. I wouldn’t mind discussing one or two. I have mainly watched a few of the classics when I did a year of film studies, Potemkin, Nanook, Nosferatu and Körlkarlen (The Phantom Carriage). On top of some Chaplin of course. Not really watched any Keaton, Lloyd or Gaynor, and I don’t have any favourites. Whatever you think would be fun to discuss.

  6. Thanks Stephen, for asking! Not my “cup of tea”. Ha! ☕️🫖
    Btw, Would love to see more psychological thrillers and court room dramas. Just watched “Inherit the Wind”. Wow!!
    Greetings to all!

    Jan G. 🎬📽️🍿👍

  7. I definitely would enjoy viewing and discussing any of Harold Lloyd’s films and several of Buster Keaton’s (Sherlock Jr in particular). I’d be open to films by/with others I’m currently unfamiliar with too

  8. I have a short attention span with silent films but confident if you recommend one it’ll be worth it

  9. Stephen- Thanks for moving this over to comments, as mine bounced back too. Yes, I would welcome discussions of silent films.

  10. I would enjoy having silent films added to our Film Club discussions.

  11. I'd love to watch and discuss silent films. I'm always interested in seeing Greta Garbo films. Some others I'd like to see include 7th Heaven, Metropolis, Pandora's Box, The Big Parade, and Alfred Hitchcock silents.

  12. I would enjoy watching and talking about some silent movies. I'm a fan of Charlie Chaplin and other comedians but would also like to see some dramas.

  13. Open to watching a silent film or two. Of those I’ve seen, my favorite is Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans.

  14. I know I haven't been able to make these meetups in awhile but just wanted to chime in that I think this group might really enjoy "Show People." You can really see the depth of Marion Davies' comedic talent & there are a lot of cameos from stars of the day and I think it comments on the end of the silent era in Hollywood which is interesting for a silent film to do.

    I totally get the lack of patience with the pacing of films from this era but another movie that impressed me and made me forget I was watching a silent was "Beggars of Life" with Louise Brooks, which I also recommend.


  15. I would not be interested in discussing silent films. I feel that the films we are already discussing are steeped in imperialist, white supremacist, capitalist, patriarchy and because they're scripted we can discuss them with a critical lens. Silent films would be much harder to discuss in the same way. Thanks for taking a group consciousness around this issue!
    I really appreciate how knowledgeable you are on classic hollywood films and love the group!!
